Monday, August 5, 2013

Class Hotel - Pirate101 Housing

Ahoy Pirates! Welcome t' t' Class Hotel, a place where every Pirate can feel welcome. When you first walk through t' gates you can see that thar be more than meets t' eaye t' this hotel. From a small beach fore where Pirates can relax after all t' questin'. You can even go canoein'.
As you walk around t' spiral walls you can visit t' court yard t' relax, have a drink or even play some Horseshoes. How about a game o' Pirate Croquet? Just grab one o' t' skull putters and send them six pounder balls on their way through t' course.
If your feelin' a bit hungry after all that game playin' you can stop by t' Saloon/restaurant for a bit o' card play or one excellent meal. I hear t' Chef says, fresh fish be on t' menu tonight. If your a Pirate that likes t' relax with a good book or be readin' t' sprogs. Stop by t' Library you might even find a hidden trophy case.
Don't forget t' check out t' main Hotel. This Hotel has every need for your Pirate Class from exotic fish aquariums, t' Witch-doctor Hall. Each room be set up in your very own Pirate color!! So come on in and stay awhile but be mindin' t' sharp objects.


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Sorry any players who stays anonymous or unknown will no longer be posted or answered. Your wizard or pirate's name is required.

Thank you.
Paige MoonShade