Greetings Wizards,
I have completed the outside of my living garden, Let me quote from my favorite movie this year. " You are not in Kansas anymore you are on Pandora! " Thats right I did my best to recreate the world of Pandora from the movie Avatar. So please welcome to my version of this lush and living world, Wizard101 style of course! With new gardening the world comes alive with plants and sounds. I think the fun part was trying to get all those furniture likes into this house and still be a working version on this world.

Part one the world itself:
I worked with th Life school house for this, for 3 reasons. One its already got a setting for lush plant life. Two the tree house part would work great for home tree. Three The trails it has going up and around work for mountains and and the flying dragon spices of animal.
This world has a humanoid species called the Na'vi They are blue skinned and I found the witch doctor gear from Celestia and the crafted mannequin to look the best for these people. :)

This world had trees called "Tree of Souls" I found that a simple snow pine looked great for these, well actually a few of them blended together ;). I also made one inside the home tree but that will be at a later date this is just the world itself. The Na'vi fly on dragons one being the Turok legendary large red dragon they keep the first one ever ridden skull in a special place near home tree. I used the crafted weapons rack and dragon skull for this. for the honey sickles and fly traps growing there.

There are trails for florescent colors Simply used the pretty blue bonnets and brown blooms to make these trails. There is also a trail that leads to the Floating mountains. This trails spirals around the world. As you lead up to the mountains you see water falls coming from no where and rocks and mountains just floating in mid air. The purple rocks from Dragonspyre worked for this, now the water fall I had to crate from tree rocks and a fish fountain. Here are a couple of images of those

As I stated above there are trails that lead up and over these mountains to where they find and the one true dragon to fly with. I used the broken palm tree from Celestia for this trail made a very nice one and then it leads around to where you find of course the dragons and what else could I possible use? Snap dragons and dragon pets ;) I will post pictures below. I hope you enjoyed this segment Of the first part of the house, Next part still needs a few pieces just not there yet :). So Until next time, happy house decorating.
Your friend,
Paige MoonShade