Here are your winners!
Grand Prize
Sultan's Palace (mega gift card from Game stop) and 1 Umbra Sword.
Heather Raven

The Never Never land
For over one-hundred years, children of all ages have been fascinated by J. M. Barrie’s tale of a magical land with fairies, pirates, adventure, and a boy who never grows up. The perfect summer adventure: what could be more fun than an island limited only by one’s imagination? Spend a summer afternoon exploring the island’s tropical jungle with Peter and Wendy. Practice your fencing skills, or learn a new dance from the native islanders. Whatever you choose a day of summer fun and adventure awaits!
The Wendy house is complemented by a small garden of exotic blooms including the rare green lotus flower. Wendy tends her seedlings carefully, as we can see by the presence of a water bucket and ladle standing by. Native to Neverland are small dragons in various shades, the fairies have been known to tame and ride these noble steeds. The stone columns on the edge of the Lost Boy’s campsite suggest a ruined temple or castle for exploring
First Place
Storm school house, 1 Umbra Sword and 20,000 crowns.
Diana Wildheart

Camping Advantage!
I chose the camping advantage to represents the theme summer fun. It reminded me of camping when I grew up with few clubs and families (reunions). It was fun and good memories in my life. The camping was good for all of us to survive and to in touch with Nature. The camping are wonderful education for all of us to aware of animals, natures and water.
Small pot with a seedling is good for camping, gardening and Nature as needed for education. I used CL small column as represent as the area of history as we can study. Water bucket (crafted item) are always needed for our life as we need the water with bucket, no matter where you going, you need water for your health, and stop the fire before it get worse. I chose something green of plants for Nature like Forest. The Pet yellow and blue Dragon is meaning of perseverance, patience, growth and healing.
Second Place
Storm school house, 1 Umbra Sword and 10,000 crowns.
Heather IceWhisper

Enchanted forest camping site
Hi I am Heather IceWhisper. Welcome to the enchanted forest. A place filled with ruins from a long forgotten dynasty of fairies who befriended the dragons. There's nothing better than telling a scary story around the camp fire while a summer storm brews. It's also refreshing with all the greenery around us. We even got our sleeping bags to match the surrounding beautiful green foliage.
On my adventures I found the last dragon of the long lost fairies. He is kind and helped us light our camp fire. Safety first. Don't forget your water bucket to make sure that fire is put out! We also found these strange pots of soil, that when you put a seed in them the seed magically sprouts. On our journey we enjoyed exploring the ancient columns and pillars with our dragon as our tour guide. This is a wonderful place for camping, and summer fun.
Third Place
Storm school house, 1 Umbra Sword and 10,000 crowns.
Mark StormHunter

Just because it's summer time, doesn't mean we can't add a little romance does it? My dorm is a lovely couple riding down a gentle river on peaceful, moonlit night. In the first picture you can see the back of the boat, as well as a lantern hanging from the trees. You can also clearly see the couple, as well as a water bucket in case anything goes wrong. In the second picture you can see the couple again, and some cute, lovable animals. What's more loving than love piggles and a dragon? You may also notice that candles line the beach, and a seedling and a pot in the middle of the animals. How romantic!
I used the five items as best as I could. The seedling is located in the middle of the animals. Four square pillars mark tunnels two in the front of the dorm and two in the back. The water bucket is inside the boat, near the back. The green item is the leaves of the palm trees. The pet dragon is in between the two love piggles.
3 Judges Choice Awards
Storm school house, 1 Umbra Sword and 10,000 crowns
Judge 1. Valdus Hexbreaker

One of the major themes of summer, I think, is spending as much time outdoors as possible, and there’s no better way to spend time outdoors then by camping! So, I made a miniature Camping ground inside my dorm, with campers, plant life and sunshine to boot! Inside my campsite, I have various furry and not so furry woodland creatures roaming around, hopefully not finding their way into our tents! On the left side of camp, there’s a roaring campfire with a kettle of hot coca boiling, and log seats for late-night fun around the campfire. On the right side we have a picnic table with plenty of soup, eggs, pie, and sandwiches to keep our campers happy campers!
In my dorm, the Life Student among the campers does some extra-credit for when class is in session next year by planting and growing one of the mystical seeds she found while wandering in the forest. There’s a lone DragonSpyrian Pillar in the corner of the campsite, all that is thought to remain of what was once in the clearing. There’s a bucket of water nearby the campfire, at the ready to put it out when the campers head to their tents for the night. There are several green plants and baby trees dotted around the clearing. There’s also a guard dragon between the tents, ready to protect the campers from the beasts of the forest.
Judge 2. Sarai Ice

Sarai Ice's Dorm Room
What could be more fun than a camp out for Summer Fun? This is not an ordinary over nighter, but a special Spiral treat that lets you sleep below AND above the stars. A magic tree lets you jump up to the tent. Selena surprises you with an evening serenade. Lucky the dragon keeps all the pesky mosquitoes away.
The small pot with its smiling seedling giggles at the edge. The stone pillar holds tiki torches to guide you up the tree. The crafted water bucket is positioned next to the tent (only you can prevent Spiral fires). Green abounds with trees and Selena's held flower. Lucky the dragon makes his rounds and samples the offerings at the sandwich station to guarantee their tastiness.
Judge 3. Marrissa Dreamstone

Summer Fun
Summer Fun makes me think of enjoying the outdoors with the sun and fresh air. It's the time when the weather usually is gracious enough we can finally go on those carnival rides, play games, watch our plants grow, or have a party outside. Makes me want to go to Disney Land!
The crafted water bucket is by a mannequin as though she was about to water the small pot with seedling. Two columns are at the entrance, like we sometimes see at amusement parks. A green gem is on the fortune telling booth, and on party table. Finally, my yellow and blue Wizard City dragon is just hanging out enjoying the scenery, and her friends.
8 Honorable Mentions
1 Umbra Sword and 10,000 crowns
Cody Raventhorn
William Sunstrider
Jacob Legendheart
Sarah PearlDust
Scarlet Winterweaver
Jonathan DeathShield
Blaze ShadowHunter
10 Random Draws
10,000 crowns
Andrew Skullbreaker
Valkoor Moonglade
Megan Blueweaver
Joshua Shadowcaster
Keelan Hawkflame
Austin Icebreeze
Alex StormFlame
Blaze Thunderflame
Lucas Dragonrider
All Winners have been notified & Prizes Delivered.
Thank you to all the contestants, Judges and Kingsisle.
See you next year ;)