Greetings Wizards,
A forgotten palace
Once there was this magnificent palace where a mighty sultan lived. Lush oasis and sandy lands now taken over by the creatures that were once loved companions. You can tell at one time there were grand battle fought here from the look of the arena, it still hold its look of water flowing all around. Many cats which were the companions of many still roam these sandy lands and oasis.

Once you find your way into this beautiful designed palace you can see there were once grand banquets, the banquet hall now taken over by the sands and oasis that have broken through. As we travel through more of this forgotten palace we can see a trophy hall, still in perfect condition as if persevered in time.

There was once much learning of the old ways in this palace, you can tell from viewing this grand hall of learning which is starting to decay from the times of years gone past. Old scroll racks and faded chairs and some pretty persevered tables is all that remains. Once in time justice was severed in this next grand hall. If you listen really good you can still hear the fire of the candles that burned bright to light this darken hall.

We come to a small area, wait this looks as if it is still being used? Meditation burners are still smoking but how? You start to hear what could be a settlement of some kind. You travel towards the sound to find a camp of monks that has decided this would be the perfect place to stay out of the elements of the desert. They greet you into their camp.
You find peace.

I hope everyone enjoyed my story of the forgotten palace, if was much fun to create. Some tips for decorating themes. Let your imagination flow and tell a story. Try to make sure all rooms of your house can tell a story from start to finish. Details- pay very close attention to each and every detail, even the smallest little book to a simply plant can make a room. Until next time, happy house decorating.
Your friend,
Paige MoonShade