Monday, April 1, 2013

Hurry it's the -SlowPoke Sloth

Introducing the Slowpoke Sloth
With Never Seen Before Speed!
Starting today Wizard101 and Pirate101 for only 1750 crowns you can get your very own SlowPoke Sloth. You have to hurry though this adorable sloth will be leaving us Sunday, April 7th at 11:59pm US Central Time.

To find out more check out

1 comment:

  1. I don't think we gotta hurry. The slot if not going anywhere very fast. Hello Paige, its CodyDeathHammer from central. I am your biggest fan i guess.


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Sorry any players who stays anonymous or unknown will no longer be posted or answered. Your wizard or pirate's name is required.

Thank you.
Paige MoonShade