Friday, October 5, 2012

End of Beta Party!

As beta comes to a close this Saturday, October 6th at 5:00pm US Central .I would love to invite all Beta players to our very last party! Let's Show Kingsisle our support and throw one of the biggest parties they have seen to close out beta!!

Let's all meet 
Avery realm
Avery Court
2pm central until they kick us out! at 5pm central
We can party till they close the doors!

Let's show Kingsisle how much we truly love being in beta and support them in every way!!
Hope to see you!!
Perilous Paige


  1. I will attend, I'm gonna take lots of screenshots! Also, could our blogs be partners? Like, I put your blog in my blog list and you put mine in yours, please, it would come handy.
    My blog is Pirate101 Mania (

  2. I will be there :D

    On my Harry Potter inspired character named Lily Evans, I gave her red hair and green eyes too :))


Please make sure to have your Pirate or Wizard name attached to your question. I will answer these question as soon as possible.

Sorry any players who stays anonymous or unknown will no longer be posted or answered. Your wizard or pirate's name is required.

Thank you.
Paige MoonShade