Friday, February 13, 2015

Smugglers Cove as seen on KI Live Feb 13, 2015

So you want to be a decorator in Pirate101? If you can decorate in Wizard101 you can in Pirate101. Basic items are the same ;

2-Small tatami floor mats
1-Large tatami floor mats or rug will do
1-Flat wooden platform

You use these just the same as you would in Wizard101. If your not sure or have never decorated in Wizard101 here are a couple links to help you on your path;
Bunk House Decorating Just swap out the two big rugs for the mats. 
Dorm room Decorating This post has a few links to help.
As you can see I made my rail mining system in this house , the small mats made it so much easier to create and now being able to place companions in your houses gave the  mining camp a whole new feel with a miner. Look he is busy away at his job.

 Here I created a small Aquila garden to showcase the pop 50,000,000 achievement. Doesn't it look grand here? The archway cuddles around the spiral perfectly. I placed the Spiral then use a double mat to place the amphitheater ruins over the top of it. I added walls and vine arches to give a added feel.
 I wanted to add all the tents and some pet aspects to my house. Tilting the morphing statues and adding some elephant ear plants gave my tavern a come on in feeling. I added companions to the tavern and even a secret society of dins in the basement planing to take over the spiral.

Inside the house area is set up for any pirates wanting to rest and settle down from a hard day of questing through the spiral. Places to eat, sleep and plan my next questing day are all ready. Hope you enjoyed this Smugglers Cove from KI live as much as I did creating it. See in the skyways.
 The First 100!!! to use the code tatami will receive 1 small tatami mat of your very own!! 1 per account.

1 comment:

  1. I think it was so sweet that they gave you a Tatami mat code for you as you need them for your brilliant decorating and you had been trying so hard for so long to get yours. Well played Pirate101 :D


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