Greeting Wizards,
I have been very busy on the pet house , let me show you what I have been up to. First off the whole 2nd floor is complete. I want to show you something I add to all my houses which is the laugh to make everyone have fun ,I add one place of humor, I am sure you will see where this floors humor is ;). We also have a pet caretakers area where he can sleep and watch over all the pets. We got trees and plants inside simple really just the small rug and board , place tree on board pick up rug. I'll give you a few views of these rooms to get a feel of it all. Hope you like them.
Next I have started the playhouse making a stage and viewing area for all the watch the dancing pets on stage, added a piano for the and seating for guest. Look we even have a piggle dance floor, I am still looking for the right lighting for this area ,oh housing idea spot lights for stages ;) wouldn't that be great? I know it still need work to look special but it is a start.
Just to let everyone know my computer almost ready and soon ill be back on the game full time :D YAY. so until next time, happy house decorating.Oh I almost forgot I'll be hosting a special contest soon,but I'll give details for that later on ;)
Your friend,
Paige MoonShade
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Paige MoonShade