Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Windows for Outside Castles- Wizard101

 I was showing off my ice schools castle windows on Twitter yesterday, it seemed like everyone liked them so much, I decided to show how to put windows on the outside of your castles. I used the snow covered for this castle. 
 There is a wide variety of rugs and boards that work for this technique, the things that you must have are; one tatami mat and a castle block wall. I'm going to be using the flat wooden platform, you can get this item in the crowned show for 350 crowns or 1750 gold. 
 Set your board or rug in a open space, now you're going to take your tatami mat and hover over the board spin your scroll on your mouse until the board starts spinning, ( never set the tatami mat, always hover) continue to spin your board until you have it in the place you needed the board. ( Follow your board or you will be under it, try to stay on top of it.)

 Once your board is in place hit cancel X in your decorating interface, this will put the tatami mat back in your back pack.  Now take your castle block wall and set it on the board as snug as your can get it to the wall. Now place your window, Sometimes it will take a few times testing areas to see where the window will be snug up to the outside wall. Now you simply remove the wall, board and you're left with the window. 

You can also float wall hangings the same way. Castle block walls come in really handy for all types of wall hanging floating. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this segment. Until next time , happy house decorating.


  1. Nice, I didn't realize you could cheat place castle blocks, although I've used them to cheat wall hangings before. Thanks for the tip! And welcome back!

  2. Nice Paige! You made this right.

  3. What are the bigger windows shown in the first picture?


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Paige MoonShade