Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Housing Showcases.

I have a 3 houses to showcase today. First one is from Talon NightShade. His island getaway house  reminds me of a ship that wreck off shore and the wizards and pets have taken over this small island. When you first come to Talon's house you land on shore. You can see where the wizards landed and all the supplies from the ship are in view. You can also see areas being built on land such a pens for animals and areas for protection. There is a hut for shelter where some plants have grown up through the floor to add that extra bit of live. 


Areas being built

Inside the hut

 Next showcase is of the home of Megan BlueWater.  She has a lovely Royal playhouse where you can sit and enjoy the fire place. what caught my eye here was was how this  wall and floor went so great together.

 Last showcase today is of a wizard hotel created by Sydney and Chris . They created a very pleasant hotel style house. By using different items they made walls for individual rooms. They even created a animals park for the guests pets.
Animals park

Hope you enjoyed this weeks segment on showcases. Until next time, happy house decorating.

Your friend,
Paige MoonShade

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Thank you.
Paige MoonShade