Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Aye We Have Pirates o' Wizard101

Ahoy! Me Hearty!' I brin' t' you today Pirates o' Wizard101. 

I will attempt t' transport you from a simple Dorm made into a housin' walkway (Hub) t' a land o' Pirates and the elegant (yet semi ruined by flooded waters) Governor Mansion.  Where thar be a ghost Sea Rover ran by the Scallywag Captain Mumme and Pirates be the ones who have t' walk the plank and be forced sell their stolen treasures.  After the sea port we will head off to the Governor's mansion. This once beautiful and elegant mansion now ruined by water and decay from Captain Mumme draggin' it down to bottom o' the sea floor, to spend the rest of it's day in Davy Jones locker. Here we go:
Moose shows the way.
Our first stop be me dorm room that where me Foo Dog Moose shows the way to the Pirates o' Wizard101. Lets follow Moose. When we land in the sea port we be met with water dogs and a Scallywag still locked up in jail tryin' to get out, maybe one o' those dogs could have the keys? I highly doubt it, looks like he has been thar awhile.

Think that bone will help?

Travelin' over t' the main seaport we can find a Pirate havin' t' sell his stolen treasure . The platforms leadin' down through all the riggin''s, t' the old broken bow o' the ghost ship. We can see muti levels and where the sea floor as come up through t' broken area o' the ship. SHIVER ME TIMBERS! We can see the Ghost ship and look they be makin' a pirate walk the plank.  Scallywag Captain Mumme be at the helm still controllin' where his ship travels.

Pirate selling stolen treasure.

Ghost ship, walk the plank.


Captain Mumme

Let's head out o' this area t' the Governor Mansion. (Don't worry I will add a slide show at the end o' this segment t' show more areas.) Once inside this once grand mansion you can see the water that has flooded it from bein' under the sea for so long.  Some area still have that grand design, while other areas seem t' be ruined from all the water damage. Down t' the port, one room be water damaged and old lookin' and the old workshop seems t' be completely flooded. You can see where the tools float'n around and the old iron furnace fire has gone out. I actually think the old black smith be still thar.


Water damaged room and flooded workshop.

One side water damaged other not.

I hope you enjoyed this housin' segment. Until next time me hearty's and happy house decoratin. 

Your friend, 
Paige moonShade

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Paige MoonShade