Congratulations Winners
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas
Grand Prize
Arthur |
Second Place
Autum |
twas th' nightfall before Christmas 'n not a creature was stirrin' not even a mouse. well expect rat beard 'o course. cap'n autumn had spent all Christmas eve awaitin' Santa. from swabbin' th' decks 'n mopin' her dorm she decided to add in a wee bit o cheer. after addin' her cheery lights 'n tree she sat out some cookies 'n a letter fer Santa to spy wit' ye eye. autumn wished wit' all her might that Santa would decide to sail wit' her 'n th' crew to give his sleigh 'n reindeers a rest fer t'night. she put on her best red suit 'n boots 'n called in th' best troops. rat beard said he knew th' spiral th' best 'n he promised to be his best 'n hurried to get dressed. so when santa arrived off they went on their greatest quest!
Third Place
Ruthless Destiny |
Yay, X-mas!
Yay! Christmas is here,
I been waiting for so long,
Now Christmas is here!
Since Christmas is here,
Santa will be coming soon,
Yay! Christmas is here!
Honorable Mentions
Sneaky Kevin Newell |
The Skyways may be t' life for me,
But refuge none other than a Bunkhouse there be!
Decked for Yuletide season, all set to go,
Visitors’ll have a hardy yo-ho-ho!
The Christmas tree’s there, with a star on top,
We’ll celebrate all night – we’re not going to stop!
Milk n’ cookies are set out for later tonight,
When Santa comes down from his flight,
To add more presents under the tree,
And make this Yuletide season quite merry!
Bloody Wesley Xavier |
'Twas the most festive time of year
When pirates spread the holiday cheer.
Wesley thought "I shall change my title to Jolly,
And decorate my bunkhouse with lights and holly."
He made it look so Christmasy,
Making sure to include a snowman and a Holiday Tree.
He left out a glass of milk and a cookie plate.
For Christmas he could not wait.
Wesley found it hard to go to bed,
With thoughts of Captain Claus filling his head.
When he awoke in the morn,
The cookies were gone and presents were found in the dorm.
They opened gifts and had some fun,
Consisting of, games, tales, and Yum.
Wesley and crew had a great feast,
And then spread cheer to every man, Troggy, and beast.
As they sailed across the skyways,
Wesley and crew shouted to all, "Happy Holidays!"
Golden Harmony Dove |
During the holidays, I like to dress up and spend the time with my pets and companions. Here I am in my personalized bunk as Santa's secret helper. I set up my bunk especially for Santa with his special sitting chair, milk and cookies and the holiday theme of a snowy night, like the North Pole (so he doesn't feel homesick). I'm hoping he'll visit, as we'll be jolly partners!
Happy Holidays from Golden Harmony Dove!
Captain Lily Evans |
Loyal Martin Xavier |
Every Christmas morning I awaken in joy excited to look upon the Christmas tree. Me and my family are gathered
With more happiness than Ratbeard with powers. When I look upon the Christmas tree I say to myself that this is definitely a pirate life for me!
Random Draws
Silent Seth Vinter
Kaitlyn Dove
Robert Devereaux
James Morgan
Cruel Zane