Friday, August 6, 2010

Housing Showcase

Greetings Wizards,

Twice a month I will be showcasing some of the players houses. If you have a special place or area in your house and want to be showcased let me know.
Today's showcases will be Alura Lotuspetal, Elijah Deathshard and Brahms.

First off lets head to Alura's house I had the pleasure to visit a couple houses of hers .We started with the new Grizzlehiem house Dragon's Fjord, I saw a very special set of a supplies being shipped in and out of her house ,what a excellent idea , picture of this spot are below. you can see the detailed work she put into this. We went from there to view a couple more houses, the storm school and myth. At the storm house she had these amazing sunken in the wall mummy and at the myth house she had her own version of the Hedge maze. Hope you enjoy these pictures, it was a pleasure and a honor to visit Alura's houses.

Brahm is another player I got to visit , he has a storm school which has been made into a fortress and is none other than amazing
When we first showed up at his house you see a maze of rope fences, I kinda felt like I was waiting in a line at Disneyland, as I ran through them . He has mannequins everywhere 14 out and 14 in and they were placed in perfect settings to show what it takes to run a fortress of this stature. As we went inside I could see his hard work as he made sure he had everything
to run a ship shape fortress. Pictures below show one of his rope maze and his control room notice the mannequins ;)

Last but not least Elijah Deathshard had a awesome death school house, When you first showed up at his house there is a Dragonspyre inspired maze with pets all throughout the whole maze. Yet what I really want to talk about is this Shrine for Wraiths he made I simply love all the detail he put into this. Pictures posted below

Hope everyone enjoyed this Wizard showcase
Until next time, Happy house decorating.

Your Friend,
Paige MoonShade


  1. It was cool meeting you :P sorry quailty on wraith shrine picture i took isnt so good

  2. Wow, those houses look awesome!!

  3. Thanks so much for showcasing some of my houses Paige. I'm honored that you chose some of my work. I love to decorate and share ideas with fellow wizards. :)


Please make sure to have your Pirate or Wizard name attached to your question. I will answer these question as soon as possible.

Sorry any players who stays anonymous or unknown will no longer be posted or answered. Your wizard or pirate's name is required.

Thank you.
Paige MoonShade